Hannah Strayer Media

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Pastoral Education

One of the biggest challenges to planting mature churches in Togo is the lack of trained leaders. This year we have an amazing partnership opportunity to train pastors in Togo like we have never been able to do before.

Through a partnership between ABWE - Togo, Faculté Baptiste du Togo and Sioux Falls Seminary we will be leading a cohort of Togolese students to earn an accredited Master’s degree while they continue to serve in their local churches in Togo. ABWE missionaries will serve as faculty mentors for the students as they apply their advanced training directly to their church ministry without having to study for years in the US. These pastors have been hand-picked to lead the next wave of pastoral training in Togo.

But we need another partner for our team: you

Sioux Falls Seminary (fully accredited in the US) has drastically reduced their tuition costs in order to allow our students to study in Togo. We are looking for financial partners who would be willing to sponsor each of our 5 Togolese students for $125 per month for 3 years.

If you are interested, please contact Andrew Ward:

Please send any designated gifts to:
The Togo Leadership Education Fund (0763093)
ABWE Donor Services | PO Box 8585 | Harrisburg, PA 17105

Or give online by clicking the link: GIVE ONLINE

article by Andrew Ward
Andrew and Mary Ward have a passion for Christian education, both for teachers and pastors. They work with the Christian school ministry and Bible Institute program. Andrew is the Togo South Team leader.

photos by Liz Ortiz
Liz Ortiz is a short-term ABWE media missionary serving in Togo, West Africa. She felt God calling her to missions at the age of 9. She now uses her expertise to tell the stories of people who have been transformed by the gospel."