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Lockdown Plunges Townships into Greater Need

photo from Darin & Kathy Ishler

“Feeding people in South Africa has become a great spiritual outreach. We find the lost turning to Christ because they see the love of Jesus being shared. Already in poverty and desperate for work, our locals are in need of bread to eat but most importantly, in need of the Bread of Life. In John 6:35, Jesus declares that He is the bread of life and whoever comes to Him will never go hungry. What a practical truth that is changing lives because of your help!” says Darin Ishler.

photo from Darin & Kathy Ishler

Sheltering in place is a luxury many cannot afford. In Durban, South Africa, two churches distributing food to those critically in need are seeing gospel doors open. Darin and Kathy Ishler are working alongside their South African partners Pastor Dennis Nkosi and Pastor Mzo Mhlongo to provide for the needs of families residing in the country’s notoriously troubled townships. 

South Africa’s townships, created during apartheid, initially forced non-whites to the peripheries of larger towns and cities. Sadly, though apartheid has legally been abolished, townships still exist as predominantly non-white, impoverished communities. Naturally, these settings bear the economic and social brunt of the nation’s recent lockdown restrictions. Kathy says, “Their meager daily jobs bring in what they try to make last for a few days.  Now, with not being allowed to work, people are going hungry.”

Pastor Nkosi and Pastor Mhlongo saw this need among the members of their own churches and began reaching out, by delivering food to whole families. 

“When Pastor Dennis, Pastor Mhlongo, and Darin went to drop off food to the Gumede family, all the neighbors gathered around to see who was helping and why,” Kathy explained. “After Darin and the others left, the brothers were able to share how their church wanted to help them so that they could share the gospel with their community.”  

The motivation with the food deliveries, ultimately, is evangelistic, as meeting these physical needs opens doors for spiritual conversation in otherwise closed-off communities. Many of these families live in religious traditions centered around ancestor worship and witchcraft.

photo from Darin & Kathy Ishler

“We have had to think out of the box and rely on godly wisdom from our local pastors for new ideas.  It has brought us closer together with our leadership team and members. We probably never would have gone down this path on our own accord, but it is such a blessing to see how God is working in the hearts and lives of everyone involved. To God be the glory!” says Kathy.

The Durban team serves hot meals once a month in certain communities, working with local chiefs to find creative ways of practicing social distancing. Because masks make public speaking difficult during these meals, the team intends to use a pre-recorded gospel message played over a sound system, combined with printed Zulu gospel tracts. 

The team is funding the new ministry effort through the Durban Benevolence Fund as they work to reach specific townships and local chiefs. To help maximize their resources, the team met with a local grocery store manager to discuss discounts and potential donated goods.

**Author’s note: The exchange rate of the US Dollar to South African Rand is incredibly beneficial to this current relief effort. Therefore, every dollar makes a big impact.

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Hannah Strayer is a missionary using media on the field to communicate stories of need with others God may be calling to help resolve them. You can learn more about her or begin partnering with her today! You can also follow her on social media (just scroll to the very bottom of this page!

Darin & Kathy Ishler serve in Durban, South Africa. They partner with local pastor Dennis Nkosi to spread the gospel in their local church and community via Bible studies, counseling, radio, church planting, and creative ministries to reach the lost. You can begin partnering with them today.