Hannah Strayer Media

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The Power of Literacy

photo by Liz Ortiz

As the wife of a church leader, Madame Botcholi not only felt that her husband could do anything, she also felt that she could do very little. Why? Because he could read and she could not. She desired to know how to read so she could understand and study the Scriptures for herself, but she did not know how. Instead, when she wanted to know what the Bible said she had to have her husband read the Scriptures to her. It was then that she asked him to teach her a verse so she could have at least one Scripture with her all the time. They chose Psalm 1:3,  “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

Several years ago, a man named Pastor Alaza came and taught a class designed to help people teach others how to read. Madame Botcholi reaped the benefit of this course and learned to read. Today shereads God’s Word without needing her husband to do so. Instead of asking him to teach her Scriptures to memorize, she can choose and read them on her own. Not only is she no longer embarrassed by her inability to read, she is encouraged and empowered by the freedom which literacy gave to her. Being able to search the Bible for answers to questions she is asked has filled Madame Botcholi with so much joy and she says it is because she is now “able to participate in the Lord’ work”.

We can praise God for the success Madame Botcholi received in learning how to read. But we cannot do so while turning a blind eye upon the more than 3 million Togolese that are illiterate. At this time, we are praying that God will call and lead someone to become the literacy coordinator here in Togo.

“Literacy is extremely important in order for believers to grow in their Christian walk. When individuals can read God’s Word for themselves, they can study, memorize and meditate on the Truth without depending on someone else to read it to them. This is why no written Scripture translation program should ever be undertaken without a corresponding literacy program that begins early on, to ensure readers are ready for the Scriptures once published.”

Is it YOU?

Hannah Strayer is a missionary using media on the field to communicate stories of need with others God may be calling to help resolve them. You can learn more about her or begin partnering with her today! You can also follow her on social media (just scroll to the very bottom of this page!)

Liz Ortiz is a short-term ABWE media missionary serving in Togo, West Africa and preparing to enter into long term ministry. She felt God calling her to missions at the age of 9. She now uses her expertise to tell the stories of people who have been transformed by the gospel."