Telling stories of life change to produce life changing stories.


“Every story is us.”
~Jalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî

Continue the Work

photos provided by Darin & Kathy Ishler

photos provided by Darin & Kathy Ishler

The work continues in Durban, South Africa. Kathy Ishler shares that some of the church members and other folks who have received food packages in the past weeks are coming out to help with the food stations. They are able to help by chopping vegetables, cooking, cleaning, dishing up food, setting up, sanitizing, trash collection, and most importantly sharing Jesus with communities that are physically and spiritually hungry.  

If you remember from earlier updates, many people in these communities are deeply involved in ancestor worship and witchcraft. Sometimes they need to hear a clear presentation of the gospel a number of times before it begins to have an impact.  The concept of salvation by faith in Christ alone is something they have never heard. They naturally have many questions as their culture is steeped in good works and animal sacrifice as a means to earn their way to Heaven.

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At a food station in Chesterville, the gospel was preached by Pastor Mhlongo before the meal was given. One lady kept saying, “I want to know this Jesus, I want to know this Jesus” as she waited in line. The team is now arranging to visit this eager woman at her home to share more about Jesus. Please pray she accepts the truth of salvation in Christ Jesus and surrenders her life to follow Him.

Then, this past Sunday, in Kwamakhutha, Pastor Congolo shared a devotion. A gentleman and two ladies approached him afterwards and said that they were interested in the Gospel that was being shared and want to join the team. These precious souls will also be visited by team members soon.

In addition to the food stations, the team is still delivering groceries to church members as well as friends of those members who are in need.

Here is a testimony of a gentleman that received food and posted later on social media:

Back to work ya’ll since the 26th of March 2020 I had been locked down. Thank God I still have [a] job. Many thanks to all the Saints who had been visiting our home every 3rd week from April just to check how we are doing. You didn’t preach love, you showed love. God bless ya’ll.


Continue the Work

To help the team in Durban, South Africa continue to provide spiritual care and physical nourishment in the communities around them, give a gift!
You can also be an immense blessing by committing to pray for future food deliveries, food stations, and follow-up visits. You can e-mail the Ishlers for more information:

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Hannah Strayer is a missionary using media on the field to communicate stories of need with others God may be calling to help resolve them. You can learn more about her or begin partnering with her today! You can also follow her on social media (just scroll to the very bottom of this page!)


Darin & Kathy Ishler serve in Durban, South Africa. They partner with local pastor Dennis Nkosi to spread the gospel in their local church and community via Bible studies, counseling, radio, church planting, and creative ministries to reach the lost. You can begin partnering with them today.

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