Telling stories of life change to produce life changing stories.


“Every story is us.”
~Jalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî

Hospital of Hope - Floor


I had never witnessed any type of birth before. The surgeon was swift yet careful as he worked handling the sharp instruments with precision and the floppy baby with care. Nurses stood ready to firmly cradle the babies from OR table to the table in the corner of the room quickly getting them “pinked up” and checked out.

This little baby boy came first, followed a few minutes later by his even littler sister.

As you can imagine, operating room floors can get pretty messy. In order to maintain sanitation and to aid in the proper cleaning processes an epoxy can be applied to the floor. At Hospital of Hope (HoH), where this very C-section occurred, the floors of the surgical wing are in need of refinishing. The non-permeable epoxy coating will not only be easier to clean, it will allow for the floors to be properly sanitized between operations reducing the risk of spreading illness.

This process requires that the hospital brings in a team for the installation to make sure things get finished properly. The cost of bringing in the team and the materials is $30,000. It is the goal of HoH to have this finished before the end of 2020.


More Than a Floor

$30,000 may seem like a lot to one person, but thankfully no one expects you to fund it alone! Your gift helps keep patients at HoH in lower risk circumstances. Add your gift to this project today.

*click the link and you can then make a note for refinishing the floors at HoH.

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Hannah Strayer is a missionary using media on the field to communicate stories of need with others God may be calling to help resolve them. You can learn more about her or begin partnering with her today! You can also follow her on social media (just scroll to the very bottom of this page!)

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