Telling stories of life change to produce life changing stories.


“Every story is us.”
~Jalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî

From Near Death to Eternal Life

*story submitted by Jean Lamboni

*story submitted by Jean Lamboni

A young couple came to HBB at the end of September 2020 with a pressing emergency. The 21-year-old wife, Bertine, had just tried to put an end to her life by taking a deadly brew. Fortunately, she was admitted in time and by the grace of God the doctors were able to control the situation without too much damage. When she was stable, the staff met with her husband, Julien, to ask him some questions. The primary goal was to determine what may have caused Bertine to attempt suicide.

Throughout the conversation, it became clear that Julien and Bertine were living in despair and without Christ. Their home lives were miserable because they no longer trusted each other as Bertine was suspicious of Julien and believed he was being unfaithful to her. The chaplains took time to present the Gospel to them. After listening carefully, they asked questions about salvation and how to be saved. The chaplains took time to show Bertine and Julien the truths of God’s salvation from John 3:16, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9-10 and Revelation 3:20.

Both made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They gathered in prayer and invited Jesus to take control of their lives by saving them from their sins. A week later the woman was totally healed and able to be discharged. They returned home and since that time both of them have been focusing on Bible study and also are going through counseling with the chaplains in an effort to help them grow spiritually and find a solution to their problem.

“We give thanks to the Lord for the life of this couple.”
~Jean Lamboni, HBB chaplain

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Hannah Strayer is a missionary using media on the field to communicate stories of need with others God may be calling to help resolve them. You can learn more about her or begin partnering with her today! You can also follow her on social media (just scroll to the very bottom of this page!)


Jean Lamboni is a chaplain at Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) in Tsiko, Togo. The chaplains visit with patients in the hospital sharing with them the truth of Jesus Christ and praying for and with them and their families during their stay.

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