Telling stories of life change to produce life changing stories.


“Every story is us.”
~Jalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî

Simple Salvation

*photo by Liz Ortiz *story shared by Justin Videgla

*photo by Liz Ortiz
*story shared by Justin Videgla

During his regular evangelism visits to patients in the hospital wards, Justin got to know Mr. Etoh who was at the bedside of his little boy who had been admitted to HBB (Hôpital Baptiste Biblique) for treatment for abdominal pain. They came from Est-Mono, a town about 100 miles (3.5-4 hour drive) from Adéta. Unfortunately, it is not an uncommon thing for many to travel far distances like this to receive care. The reason is not because there are no hospitals closer to them, but because the quality of care provided in those hospitals is not always the adequate or effective. In fact, Mr. Etoh had taken his son to their local hospital, but all the care given there yielded no results. While talking about salvation in Jesus Christ, Mr. Etoh listened to Justin attentively and asked many questions. One day he went to the chaplains office in order to share his desire to better understand the gospel.

"I have been attending Celestial Church of Christ meetings for quite a while, but what I heard you say this morning is different from what they teach about salvation. You were talking about grace; what exactly is it? Do we no longer need sacrifices to cry out to God for forgiveness of our sins?"  
~Mr. Etoh

He believed that keeping God's commandments and certain rites could save him. Justin listened and then shared this simple, biblical plan of salvation with Mr. Etoh:

  • Man is a sinner by nature. Romans 3:9-12; Psalm 51:7

  • God, in His love, provided for the salvation of human kind by giving His Son Jesus as a perfect sacrifice. Romans 6:23; John 3:16

  • Any man can be saved by believing that Jesus died for his sins by confessing Him. Romans 10:9-10; 1 John 1:9.

“So that is all that one must do to be saved?”

Justin affirmed this truth and read John 1:12-13. Then, Mr. Etoh made a decision; he confessed his sinful nature and then confessed his faith in Jesus Christ and asked forgiveness of his sins. It was then that he knew this was true salvation! Justin then prayed with him for the health of his child and was later informed that, by the grace of God, Mr. Etoh’s son's health had improved. A week later they were released and returned home. Since then, Mr. Etoh and Justin have been meeting for Bible studies.

I give glory to God for the salvation of Mr. Etoh and for the prompt recovery of his little boy.
~Justin Videgla, HBB chaplain


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Hannah Strayer is a missionary using media on the field to communicate stories of need with others God may be calling to help resolve them. You can learn more about her or begin partnering with her today! You can also follow her on social media (just scroll to the very bottom of this page!)


Justin Videgla is a chaplain at Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) in Tsiko, Togo. The chaplains visit with patients in the hospital sharing with them the truth of Jesus Christ and praying for and with them and their families during their stay.

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Liz Ortiz is a long term ministry currently on pre-field with ABWE for Togo, West Africa. She felt God calling her to missions at the age of 9. Her passion is deaf ministry and she also uses her media expertise to tell the stories of people who have been transformed by the gospel. You can begin partnering with Liz today!"

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